For Us By Us: Latinx-Developed EdTech for Latinx Children

BLAST Bilingual
5 min read5 days ago


In a rapidly evolving world, educational technology (EdTech) has the potential to empower learners and drive systemic change. But not all EdTech is created equal, especially when it comes to addressing the needs of Latinx students. In the U.S., the educational landscape has long overlooked our bilingual and bicultural community, often pushing for assimilation to the majority language (English) and mainstream culture, and failing to provide resources that truly resonate with our bilingual and bicultural experiences. Enter Latinx startup founders: innovators who intimately know the societal and educational challenges facing Latinx children, who are uniquely positioned to create solutions that directly impact our communities.

Understanding the Challenges from Within

Latinx students make up a significant and growing portion of the U.S. K-12 population, yet they often face systemic barriers that hinder their academic success and their future economic opportunities. These barriers include a lack of culturally and linguistically relevant curriculum and educational materials, as well as limited access to bilingual education and frequent misplacement in English as a Second Language and Special Education programs, all of which can lead to academic delays and decreased graduation rates. Mainstream educational technologies often fail to highlight the assets that bilingual and multilingual students bring with them when they enter our educational system, offering instead one-size-fits-all solutions that focus on their perceived shortcomings and overlook the advantages of bilingualism and the rich cultural heritage of Latinx students.

Latinx founders bring an essential perspective that is often missing in the broader EdTech space. We understand firsthand the hurdles faced by bilingual and bicultural students and their families — because we or our children have lived them. This deep, personal connection drives a sense of urgency and commitment that goes beyond profit margins. For us, the stakes are personal; the success of our solutions reflects the future of our communities.

Linguistic and Cultural Relevance as a Cornerstone of Learning

Linguistic and cultural relevance are not just buzzwords — they are a necessity for effective learning. When Latinx students see themselves reflected in their educational materials, they engage more deeply, build confidence, and feel valued. Latinx EdTech founders understand that bilingualism and translanguaging not only allow Latinx children to communicate effectively; they also represent a connection to identity, family, and community. By integrating bilingual content and the option to communicate meaning in a bilingual manner, innovators create products that speak directly to the hearts and minds of Latinx children.

Platforms like BLAST, a bilingual literacy assessment tool developed by a Latinx-led company, exemplify this approach. As the co-founder, I was driven by my own experience raising three bilingual children in the U.S. I was also informed by more than 15 years teaching bilingualism and second language acquisition at the City University of New York and also developing literacy assessments for immigrant communities in New York. These experiences helped me understand that there is a critical need for asset-based, bilingual, and culturally-informed assessments that support bilingual and multilingual learners and allow them to fully demonstrate their capabilities. Unlike monolingual assessments, BLAST is tailored to capture the unique strengths of bilingual and multilingual students, providing educators with meaningful data to guide instruction and effectively measure progress and the success of their programs. This kind of culturally- and linguistically-aligned technology is a game-changer, offering a level of support that no one-size-fits-all solution could ever provide.

Closing the Achievement Gap with Data-Driven Solutions

The achievement gap between Latinx and white students in the U.S. remains a pressing issue, with Latinx students often lagging behind in high school graduation rates, college admissions, and economic opportunities. Latinx-led EdTech companies are tackling this challenge head-on, using data-driven approaches to create targeted interventions that address the root causes of these disparities.

By leveraging technology to monitor progress and adapt to the needs of bilingual and multilingual students, Latinx founders are developing tools that empower educators and families. These platforms go beyond merely assessing skills — they offer insights that can transform instructional practices, leading to better outcomes for Latinx students. When the creators of these technologies come from the same communities they aim to serve, they are more attuned to the nuances of their audience, enabling them to develop solutions that are not only effective but also deeply relevant to the communities they aim to serve.

Empowering Future Generations Through Representation

Representation matters. When Latinx children see that the tools they use were created by people who look like them, who share their cultural backgrounds, and who understand their lived experiences, it sends a powerful message: we see you and you belong in this space. This representation extends beyond the products themselves; it inspires the next generation of Latinx innovators to pursue their own paths in technology, education, and entrepreneurship.

For too long, educational products have been developed without the input of the communities they aim to serve. But when Latinx founders lead the way, they create a virtuous cycle of empowerment — designing with empathy, informed by personal experience, and driven by a desire to uplift their own communities. This approach doesn’t just close the achievement gap; it builds a stronger, more inclusive educational system where every child has the opportunity to thrive.

Building the Future of Latinx Education, Together

Latinx founders are rewriting the narrative of EdTech, demonstrating that the best solutions are those that come from within the community. Their work is proof that culturally relevant, bilingual education is not just a possibility but a reality that can reshape the future for Latinx children and the country as a whole. By investing in these innovators, we are investing in a more equitable educational landscape where Latinx students are no longer an afterthought but a priority.

As we look to the future, it is clear that Latinx-developed educational technologies are not just about closing the achievement gap — they are about redefining what is possible for Latinx children in the U.S. For us, by us, and for the betterment of all, these solutions are setting a new standard in education and making a lasting impact on the lives of millions of children in the U.S. and beyond.


Dr. Rocío Raña, co-founder and CEO of BLAST, leads a technology company focused on equity and improving educational outcomes for bilingual Latinx children. BLAST is a bilingual literacy assessment platform that helps educators make informed decisions, evaluate curriculum, and personalize instruction. Inspired by her own children’s experiences as Spanish-English speakers in the U.S., Dr. Raña saw the need for better assessment tools for children from bi/multilingual and non-English-speaking households. Her work has earned support from the National Science Foundation and NewSchools Venture Fund. Dr. Raña is now dedicated to expanding BLAST’s reach to benefit more bilingual and multilingual students across the U.S.



BLAST Bilingual

The BLAST Assessment Platform addresses the need for equitable assessment and literacy development materials for young Latinx bilingual learners.